What is functional literacy, and why does our high-tech society need it?

Literacy vs. functional literacy Literacy is usually defined as the ability to read, write, and do math. But what do we mean by reading? People may be able to read the words in a document, but can they grasp its arguments or analogies? How about writing? Students may be able to write or type sentences, … Read more

Online outrage: Why social media bring out the worst in us

Online outrage on social media “Geez, I was only on Facebook for three minutes, and in that time I lost eight friends!” So said a buddy of mine as we were catching up over beers. Unsurprisingly, his remarks took place during an election season. As usual, he (and many others) saw no shortage of outrage … Read more

Cellular division: What is distracted driving, and why is it dangerous?

Cellphones and distracted driving When I was in grad school studying technical communication and cognitive science, a pressing question bothered me. It dealt with a problem that affected many of my peers, particularly those of us who drove. Why does using a cellphone in the car distract from driving? What is distracted driving? It’s a … Read more