The cooking ape: Did fire and cooking technology make us human?

Fire and cooking technology … and the dawn of humanity! Fire and cooking technology … and the dawn of humanity! What on earth could these things have to do with one another? Well, when it comes to thinking about our evolutionary origins, there’s an intriguing theory developed by the primatologist Richard Wrangham. And this theory … Read more

Modern minimalism: Book review of ‘Everything That Remains’

The philosophy of modern minimalism: A new name for an old way of thinking Summary: Contrary to popular misunderstanding, modern minimalism doesn’t mean getting rid of all your belongings and living like an ascetic. Rather, it means asking a simple question about what we own and how we spend our time, energy, or resources. Namely, … Read more

Manipulative algorithms and addictive design: summing up what’s wrong with social media

Social media’s twofold problem: manipulative algorithms and addictive design After posting a five-part article on social media reform, as well as publishing a couple of editorials on this topic (one highlighting the problem with social media, the other looking at solutions to this problem), I thought it would be helpful to sum up these thoughts. … Read more

Reform social media, part V: Ethical design in social media

Addictive design vs. ethical design in social media Summary: When applying professional ethics to technology design (including ethical design in social media), there’s no such thing as a ‘neutral’ design. Designers have to make design choices. And those design choices will influence people’s decisions, including how they use the technology. Therefore, designers might want to … Read more

Reform social media, part IV: Personal privacy and data protection regulations

Personal privacy and data protection regulations for social media Summary: An ongoing problem with several social media platforms is that they’re designed to monitor and manipulate what people can see or experience online. That’s because the goal is to keep users on these sites for as long as possible—namely, by commodifying their attention, collecting their … Read more

Reform social media, part III: Problems with hate speech and online censorship

Why indefinite online censorship won’t save social media from hate speech Summary: Is online censorship inevitable on social media? Going forward, social media companies will probably need to moderate some content online to prevent dangerous speech. However, trying to moderate other kinds of online speech, such as hate speech, will likely remain an endless game … Read more

Reform social media, part II: Content moderation vs. dangerous speech online

Moderating content to prevent dangerous speech online Summary: Inevitably, social media reform will have to include some content moderation, or screening and removing harmful material online. At the same time, figuring out what content social media companies should moderate is a complex question. Still, there’s at least one clear answer: dangerous speech. Dangerous speech refers … Read more

Reform social media, part I: Instrumentarianism and the danger of engineering behavior

Instrumentarianism and social media Summary: Instrumentarianism refers to Big Tech’s power to monitor and manipulate what you can and can’t see online. For instance, social media sites may use this power to commodify people’s attention and private data. The goal is to keep users on their sites for as long as possible, often through click-bait … Read more

Techniques of technology in art vs. aesthetics

Technics of art vs. aesthetics Summary: There at least are two dimensions to any kind of artwork: art vs. aesthetics. More specifically, it’s the difference between artistic skill vs. aesthetic vision. One way to understand this difference between art vs. aesthetics is to consider it in the context of using technology. For instance, take fashion … Read more